Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (2025)



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Izabela Maurer (born Dabrowska), 1885 - 1973

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Izabela Maurer (born Dabrowska) was born on month day 1885, in birth place.


Izabela married Antoni Maurer on month day 1907, at age 21 in marriage place.

Antoni was born on month day 1882, in birth place.

They had 6 children: Wincenty Maurer, Teodor Maurer and 4 other children.


Izabela passed away on month day 1973, at age 87 in death place.

+ 5

Izabela Niewinski (born Dabrowska)

MyHeritage Family Trees

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Izabela Niewinski (born Dabrowska) married Franciszek Niewinski.

They had one son: Mateusz Niewinski.


Izabela passed away.

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia

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Izabela Dabrowska in The Gazette - ‎May 31 1947

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia

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"... new tax structure tn a full year will yield about POLISH 1 hfu country from thc I wlli work hard and know I am going to bc happy." Shy,

Izabela Dabrowska

tried to answer thc questions tired at hcr but hcr English was unequal to the task and looked around appealing for help which came when a spectator volunteered his services. ..."

Publication place: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Biographical Summaries of Notable People


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Izabela Dabrowska, born 1966

Biographical Summaries of Notable People

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Izabela Dabrowska was born on August 22 1966, in Białystok.

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Her occupation was Actor, Voice Actor.

Connecticut, Marriages, 1966-2002

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Izabela B Dabrowska (Omalley), born 1972

Connecticut, Marriages, 1966-2002

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David M Omalley was born circa 1973.


David married Izabela B Dabrowska on month day 2002, at age 29 in marriage place, Connecticut.

Authors of Scholarly Articles

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Izabela Dabrowska

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Genealogy record of Izabela Dabrowska

Izabela Dabrowska

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Genealogy record of Izabela Dabrowska

Izabela Dabrowska

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Genealogy record of Izabela Dabrowska

Izabela Dabrowska

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Genealogy record of Izabela Dabrowska

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Izabela Dabrowska

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Where did most people named Izabela Dabrowska come from?

  • Poland 100%

Izabela | First name meaning

The name Izabela has its roots in the Hebrew name Elisheba, meaning "God is my oath." It gained prominence in various European cultures, particularly in Spain and Poland, where it evolved into forms such as Isabella and Izabela. The name became widely recognized in the Middle Ages, often associated with royalty and nobility, which contributed to its popularity across different regions. In Poland, Izabela is a common variant, while in other cultures, variations include Isabella in Italian and Spanish, Isabel in Portuguese, and Isobel in Scottish contexts. The name has historically been linked to strong, noble characteristics, often associated with leadership and grace, reflecting the qualities of those who bore it in royal lineages. Over time, Izabela has maintained its appeal, symbolizing beauty and strength, and continues to be a favored choice in many countries today.


| Last name meaning

The last name Dabrowska has its origins in Poland, deriving from the masculine form "Dabrowski," which is associated with the word "dąb," meaning "oak" in Polish. This surname likely originated in regions where oak trees were prevalent, symbolizing strength and endurance. Historically, surnames like Dabrowska were often adopted by families based on geographical features, occupations, or characteristics of the land they inhabited. The name is typically associated with individuals from the Mazovia region of Poland, and it may have been used to denote someone who lived near an oak grove or was involved in activities related to oak wood, such as carpentry. Variations of the surname can be found in different forms, such as Dabrowski for males and Dabrowska for females, reflecting the gendered nature of Polish surnames. Additionally, in other Slavic countries, similar surnames may exist, often with slight variations in spelling or pronunciation, such as Dąbrowski in Polish or Dombrowski in some Eastern European contexts. Overall, the surname Dabrowska encapsulates a rich cultural heritage tied to the natural landscape of Poland.

Explore the Dabrowska last name >>

Possible relatives of Izabela Dabrowska

Kazimierz MaurerMarianna MaurerFeliks MaurerTeodor MaurerAntoni MaurerMarianna Adamski

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Halina DabrowskaHanna DabrowskaHedvigis DabrowskaHelen DabrowskaHelena DabrowskaHenryka DabrowskaHonorata DabrowskaIrena DabrowskaIrene DabrowskaIwona DabrowskaIzabella DabrowskaJadwiga DabrowskaJan DabrowskaJanina DabrowskaJean DabrowskaJoanna DabrowskaJohann DabrowskaJohanna DabrowskaJohn DabrowskaJolanta Dabrowska

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  • Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (21)Birth records
  • Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (22) Death records
  • Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (23) Marriage records
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  • Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (26) Family tree profiles
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Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (28)


Izabela Dabrowska Family History & Historical Records (2025)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.